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Overwatch's Top 10 & Bottom 10 Winter Wonderland Skins

Emily Nelissen

Updated: Jan 13, 2021

Moira's new Icy Empress skin feels like an early Christmas present!

Overwatch's long-awaited Winter Wonderland event is finally here, and it came with five brand new skins, totaling to 40 winter skins amongst the characters. As a newer player, you can imagine how excited I am to be experiencing all the winter content the game has to offer. I have certainly had my eye on some specific skins, while others...not so much. Yet, here's the thing: almost none of the Overwatch skins are offensively or abhorrently bad. They can either be too basic, not executed to their fullest, or their color schemes are just a bit off for my own personal taste. However, whenever Overwatch gets a skin right, oh man do they go OFF.

Here are my top 10 and bottom 10 skins of the Winter Wonderland event, all opinions my own:

The Top 10

10. Winston – Yeti

1000 Currency

Based on his backstory in Horizon Lunar Colony, Winston seems like such a gentle giant, so having him characterized as the iconic wintery monster doesn’t sound like it would make a whole lot of sense. Yet, Blizzard made this Yeti look thoughtful and wise, just like Winston. It works well!

9. Reaper – Rat King

1000 Currency

Wow, Blizzard really knocked it out of the park with this one. Not to be biased, but playing against Reaper is not my favorite, (it seems like I always die, die, die against him), so in my head, it makes total sense that he looks like a rat. However, he’s not just any rat, he’s dressing up like the ever-villainous Rat King from The Nutcracker! Repeatedly watching Barbie in the Nutcracker as a child has given me a nostalgic affinity toward anything to do with The Nutcracker ballet, so naturally, I love it! His royal purple robes and devilish red eyes exude his regal yet evil nature.

8. Roadhog – Frosty (New in 2020)

Obtained in the Week 3 Challenge

This has to be my favorite Roadhog skin to date. The snowclad look toes the line between him being a threatening villain with a large hook and him personifying an endearingly animated snowman. It works for him!

7. Tracer – Jingle

1000 Currency

Tracer looking like a delightful little elf is not something I knew I needed, but yeah, I need it. The bright green dress accessorized with jingle bells and pops of peppermint pairs perfectly with her pointy elf shoes and Santa hat, making her an embodiment of the Christmas season. “Cheers, love! The holidays are here!”

6. Mei – Penguin (New in 2020)

3000 Currency

HOW CUTE IS THIS ONE?! Mei is already an adorable character, and this penguin outfit just amps that up. The incubating egg on her back is such a great element to the skin, too.

5. Zenyatta – Toybot (New in 2020)

3000 Currency

Gosh darn it, Zen, you have the coolest skins in Overwatch. The bright blue color scheme, the metallic finish, the digital robot face, the exposed toy batteries, the shiny red bow—I mean the list goes on. In short, Zenyatta looks like a toy any child would want to receive!

4. Zenyatta – Nutcracker

1000 Currency

As previously mentioned, I’m partial to The Nutcracker, so yeah, this skin is magnificent. It even has the texture and relative shape of a real wooden nutcracker! While Zenyatta normally throws orbs, he looks merry and bright as he launches out nuts instead! Very clever.

3. Torbjörn – Santaclad

1000 Currency

Now THIS, this is the epitome of a jolly Christmas skin. Everything, from the bells hanging on his beard to his sleigh-like backpack donned with gifts and Christmas trees, is absolute festive perfection. Just the thought of Torbjörn doing a jovial belly laugh in this outfit brings me so much joy.

2. Mercy – Sugar Plum Fairy

1000 Currency

Mercy's ode to The Nutcracker as a Sugar Plum Fairy is nothing short of enchanting and certainly stirs up some magical happiness in my heart. This gorgeously detailed skin has the most whimsical color scheme and ethereal energy. It is indisputably one of the best skins in Overwatch.

1. Moira – Ice Empress (new in 2020)

3000 Currency

FINALLY! Finally, Moira gets an incredible skin! As a Moira main, I feel like she has some of the worst skins, (except Glam, of course), and I am beyond thrilled that she got what she deserved! The icy blue makeup and breathtakingly intricate outfit give me evil Elsa vibes, and I am so here for it! This had to be at the top of my list, and you know it was the first thing I bought in the whole event. Icy Empress Moira coming through!

Honorable Mentions

Roadhog – Ice Fisherman

1000 Currency

I’m not saying that I love this skin because it reminds me of a grim mix of Chip (a fishing beaver) and Wendell (a sleepy walrus) from Animal Crossing, but uh, that’s not the only reason. You can tell that Blizzard put a lot of work into it by incorporating several detailed elements like all the fishes, the fluffy hat, the rubber fishing suit, and the tuna bucket. It’s a fantastic, fully developed concept.

Reinhardt – Conductor (New in 2020)

3000 Currency

This is Polar Express in a skin, and no one can tell me otherwise. It puffs out smoke from the back pipe and even makes a train sound! Such nice attention to detail.

The Bottom 10

10. Symmetra – Figure Skater

1000 Currency

I love the concept of this outfit and don't necessarily dislike it, but I feel like it needed better execution. To me, the muted purple stockings and bright green dress don’t go that well together. It would be such a huge win if the color scheme was improved.

9. Widowmaker – Biathlon

1000 Currency

I don’t know if you have ever heard of Biathlon, but WOW, it sounds intense. It’s a winter sport that incorporates both cross-country skiing and rifle shooting. How fitting for Widow. I like how it could potentially hearken back to her earlier days, but I just wish the skin was a little more exciting. The hot pink doesn’t seem super in-character either.

8. Ana – Gingerbread (New in 2020)

Obtained in the Week 2 Challenge

I wish they did more with this because in a way, it just reminds me of Little Red Riding Hood. The apron is cute, but that’s about the only thing that screams “gingerbread” to me. It could have been enhanced with some gingerbread people lining her coat.

7. Roadhog – Rudolf

250 Currency

I love the idea, but something about Rudolf’s nose being Roadhog’s belly button is super unsettling to me. But hey, at least it glows, and the candy cane hook is cool.

6. Reaper – Shiver

250 Currency

Reaper is glowing blue, which is cool, but I’m not super impressed or inspired. It’s not a huge departure from his original look. The snowflake design on the back is a nice touch, but not groundbreaking.

5. Lúcio – Andes

250 Currency

Nothing special about this one, but the color is bright and fun.

4. Soldier: 76 – Alpine: 76

1000 Currency

This one doesn’t feel exciting to me. It’s just Soldier: 76 in a puffer suit, and I feel like way more could have been done with that.

3. Zarya – Frosted

250 Currency

It just looks really plain and boring. Zarya deserves better, especially with her strong personality.

2. McCree – Mountain Man

1000 Currency

From the front, I love the idea, details, and textures of this skin. However, from the back, I’m horrified. A FOX PELT?! It makes me sad, and it spoils the whole thing.

1. Reinhardt – Festive

250 Currency

My number one least favorite skin has to be this Reinhardt one. It’s entirely underwhelming and doesn’t match Reinhardt’s gusto whatsoever. The colors are dull and disappointing.

The Winter Wonderland event ends on January 5, and I am so excited to see everyone playing in their winter-clad skins throughout the season. Make sure to contact me if you ever want to play! Overwatch is one of my quarantine blues combatants, so I am always open to a match!



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Emily Nelissen



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